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Pankreascancer (Bukspottkörtelcancer)
Världspankreascancerdagen (WPCD)

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PALEMA har ett samarbete med följande organisationer, Nätverket mot Cancer, Digestive Cancers Europe, Pancreatic Cancer Europe, World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition samt World Pancreatic Cancer Day.

Nedan hittar du en kort introduktion plus länkar till dessa organisationers hemsidor.

Nätverket mot cancer

Nätverket mot cancer

Nätverket mot cancer består av nationella cancerprofilerade patient- och intresseorganisationer i Sverige samt har ett särskilt Advisory board för medicinsk expertis bestående av erkända cancerexperter.

Nätverket mot cancer startade som ett projekt 2009 i syfte att genom opinionsbildning och kunskapshöjande aktiviteter lyfta gemensamma frågor för de cancerprofilerade patientföreningarna, samt skapa ett ökat fokus på cancerfrågor såväl politiskt som i media, inför riksdagsvalet i september 2010.

Läs mer på: www.natverketmotcancer.se

Nätverket mot cancer

Digestive Cancers Europe

Digestive Cancers Europe (DiCE) is the European umbrella organisation of a large group of national Members representing patients with digestive cancer – colorectal, gastric, liver, oesophageal, pancreatic and rare cancers. Our mission is to contribute to early diagnosis and decreased mortality from digestive cancers and to increase overall survival and quality of life.

DiCE was established in 2018 by Jolanta Gore-Booth, Stefan Gijssels, and Prof. Dr. Eric Van Cutsem. It grew from EuropaColon that was founded in 2005 by Jolanta Gore-Booth.

In Europe, around 800,000 citizens get diagnosed with a digestive cancer every year, and 500,000 of them die. The facts demonstrate that a significant part of these deaths are avoidable.

The use of best practices can save a lot of lives. Unfortunately there is not one country in Europe where best practices are applied systematically. We want best practices to be applied everywhere so that citizens across Europe can gain access to the best high quality cancer care.

Läs mer på:  www.digestivecancers.eu


Nätverket mot cancer

Pancreatic Cancer Europe

Pancreatic Cancer Europe is a European multi-stakeholder platform which aims at bringing together experts from all over Europe including academics, physicians, politicians, patient groups, journalists and industry with a common interest and willingness to improve care for patients with pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic Cancer Europe aims at bringing together relevant stakeholders to advocate for an improvement in the standard of care for patients with pancreatic cancer, by addressing the existing gaps related to the lack of awareness, diagnosis and data collection. Spun off by a strong political will to address the devastating impact of pancreatic cancer, Pancreatic Cancer Europe aims at reversing the trend of pancreatic cancer impact by:

  • Increasing PC research and political support
  • Raising lay and medical awareness by developing awareness tools and campaigns
  • Enabling a forum of exchange between national stakeholders

Läs mer på: www.pancreaticcancereurope.eu

Nätverket mot cancer

World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition

Through global collaboration we raise awareness of pancreatic cancer, and by coming together we strengthen the efforts of all our member organizations.

Läs mer på: www.worldpancreaticcancercoalition.org

Nätverket mot cancer

World Pancreatic Cancer Day

Imagine if we could unite the planet in support of a common goal. That’s the idea behind World Pancreatic Cancer Day.
November 17, 2016, is a day we will unite and make our voices heard. In the battle against pancreatic cancer we will show the world we are #InItTogether.
According to a worldwide survey, sixty percent of people know “almost NOTHING” about pancreatic cancer. It’s time to elevate the global conversation and draw attention to pancreatic cancer and the need for greater awareness.
By showing the world we are in this fight together, we hope to save lives and create a brighter future for people around the globe.

Läs mer på: www.worldpancreaticcancerday.org

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