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Cancer in general
Esophageal cancer (esophageal cancer)
Gastric cancer (stomach/ventricular cancer)
Pancreatic cancer

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+46 10 146 51 10

Dietary advice for patients with Oesophageal or Gastric Cancer

by | 19 June, 2023 | Esophageal cancer (esophageal cancer), Gastric cancer (stomach/ventricular cancer)

The challenge for those who have undergone surgery for oesophageal or gastric cancer is to ensure adequate nutrition, so DiCE has produced a brochure with advice which we now can present here.

This booklet is an informative and useful tool for managing the problem of nutrition in individual patients, covering all aspects of patients’ nutritional needs – from pre-surgery
pre-surgery to recovery, when increasing energy levels is crucial. It also addresses the most critical aspect of building and maintaining an ideal weight for both pre- and post-operative life.

This educational booklet, produced by DiCE – Digestive Cancers Europe, is an important milestone and will be invaluable to dietitians, patients and their carers.

The main headings are these:

  • How is diet and nutrition affected by oesophagogastric cancer?
  • Why is nutrition important?
  • Who to ask for advice?
  • Weight matters – does body weight affect cancer treatment?
  • Diet and oncological treatment
  • Diet and surgery
  • Diet in advanced disease
  • Practical tips to improve your nutritional intake
  • Nutrition in oesophagogastric cancer: A to Z
Kostråd vid esophagus- eller magsäckscancer

You can read the brochure directly below or download it here: DiCE_Nutrition_Booklet.pdf

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