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Cancer in general
Esophageal cancer (esophageal cancer)
Gastric cancer (stomach/ventricular cancer)
Pancreatic cancer

+46 10  146 51 10

010 / 146 51 10

010 / 146 51 10

+46 10 146 51 10

Support & Hope

Support & Hope

Being affected by cancer, and especially by one of PALEMA’s types of cancer, is obviously something life-changing, both for those directly affected and for their families.

Just looking at the statistics, the survival rates is not so good, but we should never forget that a lot of people actually get through this and lead a good life even after the disease.

In addition, there is a lot of interesting research going on for all our types of cancer that will hopefully result in better and more effective treatments in the future.

In this section, we will show all the support we at PALEMA can offer to those affected and also give some hope for the future by showing new and interesting research, as well as the stories of all those who have coped well with their disease.

Under Support & Hope you will find the following:

Telephone support

Do you need someone to talk to who is or has been in the same situation as you are now? Register here and one of our support members will call you.


You can call our office on weekdays between 09.00 and 10.00 when we usually answer. But you can also call at other times and leave a message and we will call you back as soon as possible.

Discuss on Facebook

We have closed Facebook groups for all members where you can discuss with others who are affected, in discussion threads or privately via messenger. Many speak English.

Your rights

Here we have gathered information on what rights and opportunities you have as a patient (or family member) within and outside the Swedish healthcare system.


When you’re diagnosed with cancer, there’s a lot going on in your head and a lot to think about. We have put together a few checklists for you if you are affected, or a relative.

Palliative care

What exactly is palliative care? Is it really time to start planning a funeral when you are classified as palliative?

Other organizations

Here you can find links to support and assistance from other actors outside PALEMA.

Kvinna pratar i telefon

Telephone support

One of the ambitions of the PALEMA cancer organization is to offer support and help through contact with patients and relatives/relatives who have been/are in the same situation. We therefore offer telephone support to our members, both those directly affected and those indirectly affected/family members/relatives.

It is important to note that this is voluntary and it may take a few days for someone to contact you.

Order dial-up here
It is optional to indicate which diagnosis you want to talk about, but if you do, we will try to make sure that you are called by someone who has experience with this particular diagnosis.
We ask for your email only to be able to verify that you are a paying member, and of course we do not give this to anyone else. Be sure to enter the email you are registered with.
Enter times when it is best to contact you (optional)
If there is something in particular you would like to talk about, please enter this here (optional)
This service is for paying members only.
PALEMA stores the above information that you provide in order to administer the telephone contacts. The data will only be processed by us within the association and will not be passed on to any other party except those you give us permission to pass on to. The data will be processed in accordance with the association's privacy policy here.

Please note!

This is done voluntarily and on own initiative. The advice, tips and experiences shared should never take the place of patients’ contact with healthcare and recommendations from your doctors.

Nor do those who provide support do so in any way as representatives of either the PALEMA cancer organization or the health service, but as private individuals who have been or are in some way affected and who have experiences to share. The telephone contact can be terminated at any time and for any reason.

This service is for paying members only. Become a member here if you are not already a member. If there are any problems, please contact kansli@palema.org.


You can call our office phone 24 hours a day. We usually answer directly during the stated telephone hours unless we are busy on another call, of course, but then you can wait in our switchboard. But you can also call at other times and leave a message and we will call you back as soon as possible!

black rotary dial phone on white surface

Telephone number: +46 10 146 51 10

Current telephone hours:

Weekdays 09:00 – 10:00

Övriga tider går det bra att ringa ändå och prata in ett meddelande, så återkommer vi så fort vi hinner.

At other times (24-7) you can still call and leave a message, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

black rotary dial phone on white surface

Discuss on Facebook

We currently have closed Facebook groups to which all members can apply. Here you can discuss with others in the respective field either in discussion threads or privately via messenger. Many speak english.

Please note that you must provide your membership number and agree to the group’s rules in order to be accepted. Information on where to find your membership number can be found here.

The different groups:

Regional departments

We have 6 regional branches of PALEMA that are responsible for some of the activities.

  • PALEMA Norr
  • PALEMA Mellansverige
  • PALEMA Stockholm-Gotland
  • PALEMA Väst
  • PALEMA Sydost
  • PALEMA Syd


Support and assistance from other organizations


Read more here

Cancerlinjen (The Cancer Line) is a service of Cancerfonden staffed by medical professionals with extensive experience in cancer care. Here you can get advice and support for your situation.

Read more about Cancerlinjen here.

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Read more here

You are welcome to contact Cancerrådgivningen (the Cancer Advisory Service) by phone, email or chat. The staff are specialist nurses in cancer care and are trained in counseling. You can also get advice and support on what you can do for prevention. You call anonymously and they are bound by professional secrecy.

Regular opening hours: weekdays between 08.30 and 16.00.

Evening opening: Mondays until 19.30.

Call me: +46 8 123 138 00

Email: cancerradgivningen@sll.se

Chat: Click here
On non-holiday weekdays between 09.00 and 16.00

Read more about the Cancerrådgivningen here.


Read more here

Being a family member of someone who becomes ill can be difficult. This includes dealing with stress and emotional difficulties, and often a lot of practical issues. One of the things that Cancerkompisar (cancer buddies) do is to pair up relatives in similar situations so that they can get support from someone who knows what it’s like.

Read more about Cancerkompisar here.

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