Types of cancer
Being diagnosed with cancer
Being diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas, liver, biliary tract, stomach or esophagus is life-changing for both the person diagnosed and their family/friends. It is natural to want to know more about what it means in terms of treatment, how life is affected, what the person affected can do to think about as well as how family members can contribute.
Many also have a strong need to talk about the disease, and to process the feelings and thoughts that arise. Support is available both within and outside the health care system.
We want to give you a picture of how the different types of cancer we represent are currently treated in Sweden and to whom you can turn to get answers to your questions from knowledgeable and reliable sources.
There is also information about our concept “Emergency Cancer” and what it means, information for healthcare professionals and how you can – and perhaps should – prepare for the worst, even if you have to believe in the best!
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