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Cancer in general
Esophageal cancer (esophageal cancer)
Gastric cancer (stomach/ventricular cancer)
Pancreatic cancer

+46 10  146 51 10

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010 / 146 51 10

+46 10 146 51 10

Summer time!

by | 22 June, 2024 | About PALEMA

Summer is here and we hope that you can get some relaxation, whether you are a cancer patient or a relative/care giver. We at the office and the editorial team will reduce our activities for a while, but are available for questions. However, it may sometimes take a little longer for answers.

Our office phone will not be manned this summer, but you can still call and leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can. We will check it at least once a day. You can also contact us via the contact page.

Remember that our Facebook groups are also a good source of information. Those affected by the different types of cancer often have important information to provide in case of questions.

These are closed groups that you need to request access to, and they are closed groups mainly to make everyone feel safe with their posts.


You must be a member of PALEMA to join the groups (cost 150kr/year).
You can become a member here. We need more members so please spread the word and we gratefully accept support from individuals and companies.

Technical support

If you have any problems with the website, for example when shopping in the webshop, please email support@palema.org. This is also monitored daily during the summer.

The editorial staff

The editorial work will also vary more slightly, but we will probably publish at least one article a week. The weekly email will also take a break during the summer but will return in mid-August.

We at PALEMA wish you a great summer!

Vad är Blåljuscancer? Klicka för mer info!

Välkommen att kontakta PALEMAs redaktion om du har förslag på artiklar eller synpunkter på artiklar vi skrivit.

Observera att detta inte är ett debattforum, vill du debattera med andra hänvisar vi till våra slutna Facebookgrupper.

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Vi tackar våra sponsorer för deras oumbärliga stöd!

Weekend Webbexperterna
Weekend Webbexperterna

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