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Cancer in general
Esophageal cancer (esophageal cancer)
Gastric cancer (stomach/ventricular cancer)
Pancreatic cancer

+46 10  146 51 10

010 / 146 51 10

010 / 146 51 10

+46 10 146 51 10

Become a member of PALEMA

Become a member

You are warmly welcome to become a member of the PALEMA  cancer association. Membership costs SEK 150 per year. Membership is personal. However, you can become a family member and a family membership costs SEK 250 per year regardless of how many family members you are. You can become a family member if you live at the same address.

Your membership is important to us because it makes us stronger as a non-profit organisation!

Fill in your details below and click on “Registrera och betala” (Register and pay), after that you will have the possibility to directly collect your invoice. What is offered today is payment by invoice, direct payment to bank or Swish.


Membership application

Your personal data will only be used to enable PALEMA to communicate with you. It will never be given to external companies/organisations for marketing, promotional mailings or for other commercial purposes.

PLEASE NOTE! When we send out an invoice from PALEMA, e.g. when you receive an invoice for the membership fee, we use the company MyClub to handle this. They use an e-mail address called noreply@myclub.se.

The fee is SEK 150 for an individual member and SEK 250 for a family membership regardless of how many family members you are (living at the same address).

You can register family members directly in the same form below and you will receive a joint invoice both now and in the future.

Membership is valid on a calendar year basis until the Annual General Meeting, which is normally held in February. That is, the year you apply plus about 3 more months. If you become a member after October 1, the membership also applies to the following year.

We normally invoice in February with 30 days payment terms. Fields marked with * are mandatory!

PLEASE NOTE – sometimes it may take a number of seconds for the application form to load here below as it is being loaded from another system. Please allow up to 10-15 seconds. If it still does not appear, CLICK HERE.

PALEMA regional departments

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