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Cancer in general
Esophageal cancer (esophageal cancer)
Gastric cancer (stomach/ventricular cancer)
Pancreatic cancer

+46 10  146 51 10

010 / 146 51 10

010 / 146 51 10

+46 10 146 51 10

What is PALEMA?

PALEMA is the first and so far only Swedish cancer association for those with cancer of the upper abdomen, i.e. the pancreas, liver, bile ducts, stomach or esophagus. It is also an association for family and friends and professionals.

PALEMA’s purpose and mission is to work to prevent, combat and mitigate the effects and to work to improve the care and life situation of those affected by the target group. The Cancer Society operates on a voluntary basis and relies on membership and donations.

Latest news:

Engelsk flagga

Parts of our website in English

We have now translated parts of our website into English. Many residents in Sweden do not speak Swedish and it is important to be able to reach as many as possible of those affected by our types of cancer.


Swish a donation

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If you want to pay a different amount than those listed, just change the amount directly in the Swish app before you pay. If you want to pay by card or invoice instead of by swish – click on “Other payment method” and find out how.

ATTENTION! This swish number may not be used for commemorative gifts, payment of membership fees, purchases in the webshop or for anything else other than “simple” gifts. The other functions have their own payment systems and then the payments will be misplaced and not noticed, which can lead to unnecessary payment reminders, non-payment of gifts, etc. 

Swish donation 50 SEK

Swish donation 100 SEK

Swish donation 200 SEK

Swish donation 300 SEK

Swish donation 400 SEK

Swish donation 500 SEK

Swish donation 750 SEK

Swish donation 1000 SEK


Digestive Cancers Europe

We thank our sponsors for their indispensable support!

Weekend Web experts
NMV Group
Jurio partner

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